Smartphone, Meet Smart Home

Evening grocery trips aren’t ideal. When you get home, and all the lights are off, you can’t find your keys, and your arms are full. Before you know it, your bread and eggs are already making French toast in the grocery bags as they crash to the ground.

Fortunately, there are a multitude of smart home products nowadays to stop your groceries from turning into an impromptu breakfast. There are even some that’ll cook it for you when the time is right.

Smart Home Products for Your Convenience

  • Caséta smart lighting by Lutron can greet you when you get home late. You can also turn it off from anywhere—inside your house or out. If you want to celebrate the weekend Friday evening, you can personalize these light systems to be colorful and bright at the same time every week!

  • Intelligent security systems, like door locks, can be accessed from the comfort of your driver’s seat—before you reach the door with your arms full of groceries. This also means you can check on the kids or let a handyperson in when you’re away. With monitored access like this, it’s simple for those authorized to enter your home while keeping intruders at bay.

  • Smart appliances like ovens and washing machines can automatically start with the push of a button on your smartphone, saving you a bunch of time.

  • Voice-controlled devices can help you skip songs when you’re occupied with cooking or help you with anything where you can’t immediately use your hands, for that matter.

  • Early safety warnings within smart systems come in the form of detectors, sensors, and automatic shut-offs to prevent emergencies. The goal is to keep you, your family, and your home safe.

  • Automated thermostats, for one, can provide you with energy usage data. They can optimize energy use and adjust settings, even when you aren’t home! When you come back, sensors will prompt your temperature regulation systems to start back up again.

  • Smart blinds with the RA2 Select System by Lutron can synchronize with your automated thermostat to close your blinds and crank the air conditioning when it’s hot.

Don’t Do It Yourself

Plenty of plug-in, voice-controlled speakers and Bluetooth LED light bulbs are on the market right now if you’re looking to create a simple DIY smart home. You can stop reading right here if you’re looking for elementary feedback from these speakers and limited control within a maze of apps for these lights.

These projects don’t involve you messing with electricity, soldering wires together, and matching black to red—the upgraded, smarter homes do because they can unlock and adjust things in ways that these store-bought products can’t. Leave everything else to experts like us for your safety and everyone else’s.

Hire an Expert

New London Electric has already completed intricate projects within the Southern Chester County and Northern Delaware areas. We work with Caséta and Lutron products, amongst others, to bring customers the smart homes of their dreams.

With the uniform systems that New London Electric provides, you won’t have to worry about monitoring ten different apps on your smartphone—just one.

If something like this sparks your interest, don’t hesitate to contact New London Electric at (610) 268-9096 for a free consultation today!

Joanne O'Neill