Power Outage Protection: Keep the Lights On

Why you need a Generac Home Standby Generator in your Chester County home

The house was dark and the game was a mystery. In the moments before that old tree branch fell and you lost power, the busy weekend had been going perfectly. A few seconds ago, you were in the living room cheering for the Saturday night game with your whole family.

Now, you're concerned about the nonfunctional sump pump instead of the winning score on your tv screen. If the storm outside gets worse, your basement could flood.

Understanding power outages

The causes of power outages can stem from severe weather conditions, equipment failures, or grid issues.

Harsh storms, like hurricanes or heavy snowfall, often disrupt the power supply and lead to outages.

Equipment failures, such as transformer malfunctions or downed power lines, can also leave households dark.

The duration of the outage widely depends on the cause and the response time of utility companies.

During severe weather events, outages may last for hours or even days. Understanding these potential challenges empowers homeowners to take proactive measures to protect their homes and loved ones (not to mention the big game nights).

The impact potential depends on the systems and appliances present in your home.

  • Lighting systems will go dark.

  • Heating and cooling operations go stagnant.

  • Wifi-dependent security systems be out of commission, leaving your home vulnerable.

  • Modern communication will be next to impossible once your phone and computer batteries run down.

  • In-home well systems grind to a halt, which could make that bathroom break extremely uncomfortable.

  • Sump pumps that have been installed will be inoperable, leaving your home at risk for water damage if heavy rains occur.

  • Refrigerators and freezers lose function, risking food spoilage and potential health issues.

Reminder: Do your best to keep these appliances closed in a power outage to possibly preserve their contents.

The importance of home preparedness

Creating a plan tailored to your Chester County home is crucial for minimizing the impact of power outages.

Consider some practical tips for you and your family.

Assemble an outage kit with essential items such as flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, non-perishable food, water, and a first-aid kit. Keep these supplies easily assessable to navigate through the darkness with relative ease.

Insulate exposed piping to protect against potential damage from freezing or flooding.

Install a backup power source for critical equipment and have backup fuel at the ready. Never lose the sump pump in your basement that keeps your house from flooding, the well pump that supplies fresh water, and the freezer that keeps the ice cream frozen.

Keep the lights on

Generac Home Standby Generators have some game-changing benefits when it comes to safeguarding your home during extended power outages.

Here are some key features…

Automatic power restoration brings back power to your entire home seconds after the lights flicker. The instant power outage detection ensures that essential appliances, water pumps, HVAC systems, and security systems remain functional. You can stay confident that your busy weekends won't grind to a halt and your basement won't fill with rainwater.

Versatile fuel options, including natural gas, liquid propane, and diesel, offer a touch of convenience when selecting your Generac generator. Choose whichever option best suits your specific home, lifestyle preferences, and budget needs. You'll know exactly what power source you need, so you can have plenty ready to go.

The Mobile Link app will connect your generator to your mobile devices, and you'll be able to monitor its status from any of your devices from anywhere in the world! The Generac Whole Home Generator will power your home and keep it safe when you're on vacation or out for a date night without the kids.

Complete your Generator Consultation

Protecting your Chester County home during power outages should be a top priority for every homeowner. With the correct understanding and proactiveness, you can mitigate the impact of storms and ensure you catch the last play of the game.

Don't wait for the tv to go dark or your basement to flood without a sump pump.

Complete the Generator Consultation form for your Generac Home Standby Generators.

Joanne O'Neill