Zap! Surge Protector Saves Office Equipment from Lighting Strike


A lightning bolt directly struck our office building last week.

In a flash, our electrical panel had experienced a power surge! 

Luckily, our whole-home (or office, in this case) surge protector was there to block the flow of the dangerously high power spike. Here’s how the surge protector saved us and why you should consider one for your home.

Thousands of Dollars Saved with Surge Protector

Some of the damages were still a pain in the neck. We had to fix our internet, reset our firewall, and adjust clocks to the correct time. We also found plenty of light bulbs blown out around the office.

But those are small, easy-to-fix things.

Our office’s surge protector saved thousands of dollars of equipment from being ruined—from our computers to plugged-in iPads, and even our office refrigerator.

Unexpected Damage From Power Surges

Many people think power surges can only affect electronics like computers and televisions. This used to be true—before all your other appliances began incorporating the same delicate microchips. Microchips are easily overheated and “fried” by a power surge.

Now, a single surge could wipe out half your electronics and appliances—costing you thousands of dollars.

Plug-in surge protectors you use behind your TV or under your desk are helpful for smaller surges. But these won’t protect your home’s electrical panel against large-scale surges from external sources.

That’s why you need a whole house surge protector.

When the home surge protector detects unusually high voltage, it diverts the excess power away from your home and safely neutralizes it. This saves your devices and more.

Surges Happen More Often than Lightning Strikes

Direct lightning strikes are especially unlucky. But, they aren’t the only powerful forces that cause electrical surges. Surges are commonly caused by:

  • Downed Power Lines - which can cause the voltage to fluctuate wildly, causing sporadic surges until the electricity goes out. 

  • Internal Surges - 80% of surges are actually generated within the home. These small but frequent power surges can deteriorate electronic items and shorten their lifespans.

Protect Electronics and Appliances, Avoid Costly Damage

We installed our office’s surge protector because we knew it would give us the peace of mind that we wouldn’t have to replace or repair expensive equipment in the case of a lightning strike or other power surge events. 

You can have the same peace of mind in your home. 

Protect your home from power surges. Install a whole-home surge protector!

Protect your home and gain peace of mind 

Contact New London Electric today to installing your whole-house surge protector.

Hendrik-Jan Francke