3 Ways to Cool Your Home With Ceiling Fans + HVAC

During a heatwave, you want your home to stay cool—without your electricity bill skyrocketing along with the temperature. 

Running your AC on full blast 24/7 is expensive. The good news is there are a few simple ways to make your air conditioner run more efficiently and save on home cooling costs. 

Ceiling Fan + AC = Energy Savings

When a ceiling fan is used in conjunction with your AC system, you can set your thermostat a few degrees higher so your AC system doesn’t need to work as hard to cool your home. For each degree raised on the AC thermostat, there is a 1% reduction in energy used and therefore in your electricity bill. 

1 - Choose an Energy Efficient Ceiling Fan

A good ceiling fan can make a room feel 6 to 8 degrees cooler. Consider installing an energy-efficient ceiling fan that will produce higher airflow while using less electricity than a standard fan. Install your fan where you spend the most time, such as over the bed or above family-room or kitchen seating. 

2 - Set Your Fan Counterclockwise

Make sure your fan is set to spin counterclockwise in summer months (you can change this via the switch on the base). This will push air down and create a cool breeze. It will also help keep the room’s temperature consistent—reducing the need to constantly run your air conditioner. 

3 - Aim for a Comfortable, Not Frigid, Temp

Putting your AC on 65 degrees when it’s 90 outside puts your AC system in a constant uphill battle trying to cool down your home. Set your thermostat on 75-78  degrees (or higher).

Make Cooling a No-Brainer with a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are a small investment that can help you easily manage cooling without needing to remember to adjust the thermostat every time you leave the house. If using a smart thermostat, set the temperature to begin cooling down a few hours before you return home. 

Need help choosing the right ceiling fan or smart thermostat? We can help. 

For help in selecting and installing energy-saving fans and smart thermostats, call New London Electric today.

Hendrik-Jan Francke